Kaart Ranglijst

World Domination

Stamnaam:World Domination
Aantal leden:6
Punten van de 6 beste spelers:4.138
Totaal aantal punten:4.138
Verslagen tegenstanders: 288 (31.)
» Stamakte (externe link)


Naam Rang Punten Globale rang Dorpen
IfISuckItWasntMe 1 1,217 145 1
vanvelthoven 2 744 497 1
meestersjean 3 685 549 1
Guppy 4 588 662 1
aardappel-schilmesje 5 563 694 1
joeyvanoevern 6 341 1000 1
Tribe Introduction:
World Domination

Welcome to the World., where empires rise and fall, alliances are forged and shattered, and only the strongest survive. Our tribe, World Domination, is not just a name – it’s our destiny. We are a collective of the most strategic minds and fiercest warriors, united by a single goal: to conquer this world and inscribe our legacy in its history.

Our Vision

World Domination isn’t just a tribe; it’s an empire in the making. We envision a world where our banner flies over every village, where our enemies are vanquished, and our allies are respected. Through meticulous planning, relentless battles, and unwavering determination, we aim to achieve total control of the map.

Our Strategy

Our path to domination is built on:

Teamwork: Every member is crucial. We believe in the strength of unity, where each player's success is a step towards our collective victory. Cooperation and communication are key.

Strategy: We outthink before we outfight. Our plans are comprehensive, considering both the immediate and the long-term impacts of our moves. We value intelligent play and innovative tactics.

Strength: We build powerful armies, fortify our defenses, and ensure our members are always ready for battle. Strength in numbers and quality ensures our dominance on the battlefield.

Our Expectations

To be a part of World Domination, we expect:

Activity: Regular participation in tribal activities, events, and wars. Inactivity is a weakness we cannot afford.

Loyalty: Commitment to the tribe’s goals and support for fellow members. Betrayal is met with swift and decisive action.

Communication: Active involvement in tribal discussions and strategic planning. Clear and open communication strengthens our unity

"To the victor go the spoils, and we intend to take it all."